Petrochemical and Refining Industries Can Coexist with the Environment
Environmental conservation is a top priority for governments, scientists, the general public, and the petrochemical and refining industries.
Ever since John Browne, the then chief executive of BP, gave a climate change speech at Stanford University in May of 1997, the world shifted its focus to the gas and oil industry and its impact on the environment.
The gas and oil industry understands how their activities can negatively impact the environment, and over the years, has started taking the necessary steps to control their emissions and comply with regulatory legislation.
Contrary to environmental critics, the petrochemical and refining industries are concerned with both government and societal demands. So much is their concern that several industry leaders have grouped to form the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, a CEO-led initiative that aims to lower the industry’s carbon footprint.
American oil companies like Chevron are focusing on making their refining and petrochemical operations more efficient and less emissions-intensive. To achieve these goals, oil companies are investing in technology and precision equipment to help carry out many of their processes in a cleaner more environmentally friendly way.

Allometrics – When Measurements Matter!
Top Rated ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration Company Since 1976.
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Testing, Calibration, and Certification in the Petrochemical and Refining Industries Help Them Coexist With the Environment
Advanced technology is an excellent way for refineries and petrochemical companies to regulate their emissions.
However, it is crucial to recognize that the vast majority of environmental pollutants from the petrochemical industry occur through bad blends and the improper mixing of catalyst components in the blends.
These result in flare stack burn-offs and reactor explosions. If the research department and the quality control labs are using instruments that have not been calibrated or standardized, the resulting method transfers to production will not match up with their calibrated instruments.
Measurement mistakes in the petrochemical and refining industries are not only costly; they can have dire consequences for the wellbeing of humans and the environment as a whole.
Allometrics specializes in the testing, calibration and certification of balances, scales, test weights, pH meters, coulometric and volumetric titrators, ovens and furnaces, pipettes, melt flow indexers, extruders, thermometers, flow meters, turbidity meters, conductivity meters, densitometers, pressure transducers, gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers, liquid chromatographs, spectrophotometers, gum blocks, RCR’s, centrifuges, and various rotational devices used in the oil and gas industries.
Professionally calibrated equipment is the best way to ensure companies comply with all the regulatory legislation set in place to safeguard the environment.
What Does the Future Hold?
There is a bright future ahead for the petrochemical and refining industries and their ability to coexist with the environment. While there is a strong push by industry leaders towards more sustainable and renewable forms of energy, the reality is that the world is not ready to completely phase out its consumption of oil and gas.
With cleaner technology and stricter controls on emissions, these industries can find a way to coexist with the environment. Reducing greenhouse emissions and lowering the industry’s footprint is amongst the top priorities of stakeholders in the field.
Government oversight and societal demands will continue to increase, but the industry is not only aware of these demands, but it also is proactively engaging solutions to meet and exceed the expectations of government agencies, scientists, and the general public.
At Allometrics, we are proud to be part of the solution, our calibration and certification services help ensure the petrochemical and refining industries are not only safe for manufacturing plant employees, but they also help protect our environment.